Friday, August 7, 2015

Gandalf's Farewell

The dreaded time had come. The dwarves despaired and panicked thinking the worst if he didn't accompany us. But nothing could change his mind; he mentioned some "pressing business" away in the south. He gave us a little pep talk and some happy and encouraging words. We unpacked the ponies and tried to distribute the luggage evenly. My pack was oddly very light. I feared they did it on purpose so after we ate our last meal with Gandalf before he left, I snuck some stuff out of Bilbo's bag and put it in mine. He was in a better mood and I was glad we were all equal. Bilbo wanted to leave home that instant; he even tried to get out of walking through the forest and asked if there was a way to go around it instead. Honestly, I wanted to go back to the Shire too. Don't get me wrong, not everyone can say they saw and did all the things we did and were going to do. Gandalf laughed at Bilbo's suggestion.

"You can't leave now! I need you to look after these dwarves for me..." he told Bilbo.

He glanced at me, called me over, and said to Bilbo and I, 

"Never mind, Bilbo. I suppose she'll do this assignment better than you will. You'll look after them, won't you?"

"Oh... of course. It'll be my pleasure. I'll do my best, Gandalf," I replied with a fake smile. When they walked away, I put my head in my hands and sighed.

"You've really got it this time. Those dwarves will be the end of you and your caring nature..." I paused and frowned, "Gee, how humble of myself to tell myself that I have a caring nature..." Gandalf said his last farewells and rode with the ponies out of our sight. I must admit I was really sad to see him go. He was, after all, my defender... my guide... and my dear friend (sniffle, sniffle). But enough of the dreary depressing part, let's get on with the action.

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