Monday, June 29, 2015

Before It Began Part 1/3

In the summer at Brandy Hall, I made a wish on 15 candles. I wished to be united with who I truly was. The next day, I woke up a new 15 year old hobbit. I travelled to the East Farthing Woods to read a new book that Grandfather, the Master of Brandy Hall, had given me. When I arrived, there were many beautiful birds singing in the trees. I couldn't read at the time; I was too caught up with the nature around me. A little robin stood out to me the most. He was so tiny but his voice was so clear that I began to make out words from his song. He fluttered toward me and perched on my shoulder. 

"Hello, Fawnabelle," he said. I was scared to death. 

"You c-can talk?" I asked. 

"No, but you can understand my songs," he answered sweetly. 

"How do you know my name?" I asked. 

"You are a protecter of nature; friend, advocate, and voice of all good creatures and plants. Everyone knows the protectors of nature," he explained. 

"Oh... I am? Are you sure? I think you have got the wrong hobbit. I don't know what you are talking about," I stammered. Something incredibly amazing was about to take place and it would change my life completely. 

"I can prove that I am right and you are not," he boasted.

"Oh, really? Well then, prove it and I'll believe you," I replied. 

"Sing something," the bird commanded. 

"I'm sorry?" I asked. 

"You can hum if you like, it will do the same thing. Try it," he insisted. I started to sing something that I had made. But, it transformed into a hum because I forgot some of the words. I stared at the ground for the whole song. So, when I finished, I didn't know what happened around me. I looked up and saw lots of animals standing around me. Deer, rabbits, squirrels, and many others were all in a giant circle around me. 

"Only a protector of nature can bring animals towards them when they do something special. Since you are a girl, I figured your "something special" would be singing and my guess was correct," he said proudly. 

"Fine, I believe you now. This is amazing! What else can I do?" I asked.

"That is to be revealed in time. Radagast the Brown has sent me here to assist you in becoming a Junior Protector of Nature. Of course, protectors of nature are constantly learning new things. But, since you are beginning to see yourself as a protector, I can teach you the basics of the knowledge that all protectors should know," the robin explained. 

"Radagast the Brown?! He sent you here? Isn't he a wizard or something like that? Are you his assistant or something?" I asked curiously. 

"No, I'm not his assistant. I help all protectors of nature. I am a messenger between one protector to the next. I also help them with whatever their needs are like going to new protectors and training them or sending distress calls to other protectors. I am in debt to them; they saved my home and family so now I happily help them with whatever I can," he explained. 

"Awww... that's so nice. Well, I will gladly take all the knowledge you will give me and put it to great use," I replied. 

"Very good, we can start tomorrow. Your training will last for three consecutive months. After those three months, you will become an official Junior Protector of Nature. Then, you will be on your own to learn more things independently," the bird explained. I agreed and I went back to Brandy Hall. I didn't tell anyone about what happened; I went to sleep early so the next day would come. 

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