In a few minutes, I was ready to go. I packed my bag quicker than quick. It’s not like I had a lot to pack anyway.
"I'm making the right decision," I told myself. "But how can I be sure? Maybe I should wait another day so I'm absolutely positive." I sat down on my bed to think.
"Oh, what is wrong with me? Why am I being so complicated? Well, maybe I should consider everything carefully and rationally. Oh how things have been so contradictory lately. First, Galadriel tells me to stay. Well, she didn't say 'Fawnabelle, you should stay here'. She said that she didn't want me to be there for what happens during the war of the five armies..." I thought aloud. I stood up.
"Five armies?" I asked myself. "I don't think she mentioned five armies. But why would I say five armies? Why would there be so many armies? There's the dwarves, the elves, the men..." I started to pace around my room. I heard voices in my head saying something over and over.
"I can't think! Stop talking to me!" I grumbled, covering my ears. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. Then I finally heard what they were saying.
"Foresight," they said echoing in my head. I opened my eyes but shut them again. I shivered as a huge gust of wind blew harshly against my body. I forced my eyes open to see where it was coming from.
"Wh-Where am I?" I blurted. I was in the middle of some sort of courtyard but the buildings were all in ruins. The wind blew again and it nearly knocked me over.
"I have to get out of--well, wherever I am and go somewhere where the wind won't reach me," I shivered. When the wind stopped for a brief moment, I ran to the wall across from where I was. The wall shielded me from the wind and I was able to warm up again. I looked to my right and saw buildings. I looked to my left and saw more buildings.
"I could be anywhere! I didn't even try to bi-locate here," I complained. I heard a familiar sound in the distance. It was a horn.
"The war call?" I thought. I looked up and saw a big mountain towering over the buildings that stood in front of me.
"Well, at least I know where I am now. The Lonely Mountain looks so majestic from down here," I said in awe and wonder. The wind blew and I heard a horn again.
"Goodness that's an extremely startling sound," I thought.
"Fawnabelle! Thank goodness I found you! You really must try to get that bi-location in order. Have you any idea the trouble I've been through to find you again?" a voice said. I looked around and I couldn't see anyone.
"Well, that's interesting. I thought I heard someone--" I turned around to see a certain robin hovering in front of my face.
"Oh it's you!" I exclaimed. I held out my index finger and he perched on it.
"Yes it's me. Radagast sent me to--"
"I haven't seen you in so long! What have you been up to?" I asked.
"Not much. But I came to tell you that--"
"I've been up to quite a bit lately with this adventure. But if I'm being honest, sometimes I wish it were over. I miss Bag End sometimes and I--"
"Fawnabelle Baggins, please listen to me!" he chirped loudly as he flew up to my face. Startled by his sudden movements, I apologized immediately.
"It's alright, Fawn," he sighed. "Anyway, what I was trying to tell you was that Radagast was given a location that you should go to by Gandalf. Apparently, Gandalf had a feeling you would want to come back to the company of Thorin and for whatever reason he wanted to make sure you go to the right place."
"Well I'm not surprised that Gandalf was right. Would you mind taking me there?" I replied.
"Yes, I'd be happy to show you where to go and maybe we can catch up after all this time," he said happily. I laughed and followed him through the old abandoned town.